William Giannobile, DDS, MS, DMSc, Named Dean of HSDM

Photo Source: Harvard Medical School

In April 2020, William V. Giannobile, DDS, MS, DMSc, was named Dean of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. He is an educator and leader in the field of periodontology and an internationally recognized scholar in oral regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and precision medicine. 

Dr. Giannobile took the helm on September 1, 2020, succeeding Dr. R. Bruce Donoff who served as dean for 28 years and retired in December, 2019. Interim Dean, Vicki Rosen, PhD, led the school until August 31, 2020. Dr. Giannobile is currently the Najjar Endowed Professor and Chair of the Department of Periodntics and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry.

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